How to Check Etisalat Number and Owner Details?

A SIM number and name of the owner of an unknown Etisalat SIM are sought if it is unknown. It’s easy to find the SIM number, but for new users it can be a challenge. The purpose of this post is to help you learn the number of your newly purchased Etisalat SIM card.

A SIM number can be checked by calling another number from the SIM, which is one of the easiest methods. You will see the number on the screen. Etisalat SIMs with no balance can be found using more methods if they have an owner’s name and a number.

To begin with, let’s know whose SIM number you want. These methods can be used if you have your own SIM or a very old SIM, but you don’t know the owner or its number. You shouldn’t use a SIM that you didn’t get from yourself and you got from another source if it’s not yours. There is a risk involved with this.

What is the Process For Checking Etisalat Number and Owner Name?

Etisalat SIM numbers can be easily found with this method. We will give you all the details about this method, even if you already know about it. You can check your Etisalat SIM number by dialing *101# from your SIM. You will then see a menu on your mobile device. Your first option, called Account Management, will come up, but you must respond to it.

By using this option, you can get info about the SIM number, the plan or package, and the owner. It is important to note that this function is free of charge, but it only works on active SIM cards, not those that have been blocked. Below is a procedure for determining your Etisalat SIM number and owner.

  1. You can dial *101# from your mobile phone
Check Etisalat Number in UAE
  1. The screen of your mobile device will soon be filled with many options.
Check Etisalat Number and Owner
  1. You will need to write 1 in the section called “Account Management”
Check Etisalat Number
  1. Replying will reveal another option
  2. You need to respond with 3, which is called “Account Information”.
Check Etisalat Sim Number Details
  1. As soon as you reply again by writing 3, you will be able to see your number. Writing 2 will show you the name of the person who owns the number.

Etisalat Number Check Code

NetworkEtisalat UAE
Number Check CodeDial *101*1*3*3#

Dial *101# or *101*1*3*3# directly to find out your Etisalat SIM number. Data SIM cards, prepaid cards, and postpaid cards will all work with this method.

Process for checking the Etisalat Number Owner

Etisalat SIM owners are not hard to find, but they can be difficult to trace. It is possible to find out the owner’s name of any SIM card by following this method for new SIM card users in UAE or using Etisalat SIM cards for the first time.

This method can only be used after your SIM card has been inserted into your mobile phone.

  • In order to begin, you must dial the number *248# from your mobile phone.
  • You will see your SIM number, registration date, and owner name after dialing this code.
  • In the past, I have used this method often to identify the SIM owner’s name since it’s completely free.

Additionally, you can find the owner’s name and SIM number by dialing *101#. You may be able to invalidate these codes at any time. Keep in mind that these codes may expire over time.

Call Etisalat Helpline

Call 101 or +971 400444101 for details of owner name or call helpline number 101 for details of owner name.

In case you force the customer service representative to provide the information, they will only be able to give you the name of the SIM owner. On the TDRA website, you can also find complete information if you have an internet connection.

An article about checking the number of SIM cards and spare SIMs was already published. As a result of using this method, you will also be able to check the status of your Etisalat number.

Etisalat SIM Number via Missed Call

It is easy to find Etisalat SIM numbers or any other SIM numbers simply by calling them. You need a balance in your SIM card in order to use this method since you need to have free credits (used to make calls) and balance in your SIM.

SIM numbers cannot be found without it. It will not work if you try this method without balance.

  • You can use your mobile phone to contact your friends, relatives, or anyone else you wish.
  • When the company detects that there is no balance, it sends out a free missed call, with the number sent to you if it occurs to you.
  • You will see another number when you call another if you have enough balance.

What’s the Best Way To Find Etisalat Mobile Numbers?

All you need to do is visit the eMobileTracker website. To find out who owns your Etisalat SIM card, enter your SIM number and security code. You have your own detective.

The Etisalat team cares about you. As a result, people in the UAE are able to live more comfortably thanks to its improved services. It’s super important to know your Etisalat number! You can access vital SIM card information by tapping into an app or using simple codes. Next time, remember these tips. 

Use Etisalat App

It can also be used to find the owner of an Etisalat SIM card if you do not know it’s owner. I will recommend this method because it is much simpler.

Using Etisalat app, you just have to download it and register by providing your mobile number. In addition to setting up the password and login, you will be able to see the name of the sim owner after you log in.

Additionally, you can use this app to find out about your Etisalat SIM Expiration Date, active plans, and balance.

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